Treatment & USE Solder Tips

In this article we provide maintenance tips and proper use of solder, and aim to obtain effective results in the soldering of electronic components. If you do not already have experience using the solder, then we recommend you to practice soldering techniques on a few simple components (protoboard), before experimenting with a more complicated circuit. This will help you to avoid the risk of damage to the component when you begin to learn soldering.
This basic skills most needed to assemble an electronic circuit starts from the solder. It takes some practice to make perfect, but, like riding a bicycle, once learned is never forgotten! The idea is simple: soldering function to join several components in accordance with the schematic. Various models of solder is sold in electronics stores.

Voltage solder most often found in the market is in 220-240V/AC. However, there is also a type of solder low voltage (eg 12V or 24V) Solder was designed with a special controller, the goal is to minimize leakage current, low voltage soldering so with a lower risk of component damage due to leakage current. Low voltage soldering is suitable for use on components that have a high sensitivity, eg IC, TRANSISTOR.
WATTS: Solder has a power rating between 15-500 watts, adjust to the work you do.
TEMPERATURE: simple and inexpensive type of solder do not have the form of temperature regulation. In the solder that has a temperature setting digital temperature readings there, and will have a button control to allow you to vary the temperature setting.

Here is how to make perfect soldering:
1.All components to be soldered must be clean and free from dirt and oil.
2.Position the solder in a safe place.
3.Dip the tip of solder in the solder paste and then ersihkan hot tip with a sponge.
4.At the time of soldering the components on the PCB do a quick two or three seconds at most, because if too long will damage the PCB board or component.
5.Do not move parts soldered to the tin to harden.
6.Clean the rest of the remaining tin on the PCB board with a brush.

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